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Performance Considerations

Highlighting based on locally stored files can take a long time, depending on the environment. This section gives some hints on potential knobs to tune to improve the performance.

Use JDK >= 9

Java 9 introduced a feature called String Compaction that has a significant impact on several hot code paths used during OCR highlighting. You can expect a reduction in runtime of more than 50% if you use a JVM with string compaction enabled compared to one without (assuming you're running on flash storage). We highly recommend using the latest LTS OpenJDK version released after Java 9, which as of September 2021 is OpenJDK 17.

Performance Analysis

Before you start tuning the plugin, it is important to spend some time on analyzing the nature of the problems:

  • Check Solr queries with debug=timing: How much of the response time is actually spent in the OCR highlighting component?
  • On the operating system level (if you're on a Linux system), use BCC Tools, especially {nfs/xfs/ext/...}slower and {nfs/xfs/ext/...}dist to check if the performance issues are due to I/O latency.

Storage Layer

The plugin spends a lot of time on randomly reading small sections of the target files from disk. This means that the performance characteristics of the underlying storage system have a huge effect on the performance of the plugin.

Important factors include:

  • Random Read Latency: What is the time required to seek to a random location and read a small chunk?
  • Number of possible parallel reads (see below): Does the storage layer support more than one active reader?

Generally speaking, local storage is better than remote storage (like NFS or CIFS), due to the network latency, and flash-based storage is better than disk-based storage, due to the lower random read latency and the possibility to do parallel reads. A RAID1/10 setup is preferred over a RAID0/JBOD setup, due to the increased potential for parallel reads.

Plugin configuration

The plugin offers the possibility to perform a concurrent read-ahead of highlighting target files. This will perform "dummy" reads on multiple parallel threads, with the intent to fill the operating system's page cache with the contents of the highlighting targets, so that the actual highlighting process is performed on data read from the cache (which resides in main memory). This is mainly useful for storage layers that benefit from parallel reads, since the highlighting process is strongly sequential and performing the read-ahead concurrently can reduce latency.

To enable it, add the enablePreload=true attribute on the OCR highlighting component in your core's solrconfig.xml. It is important to accompany this with benchmarking and monitoring, the available settings should be tuned to the environment:

  • preloadReadSize: Size in bytes of read-ahead block reads, should be aligned with file system block size (or rsize for NFS file systems). Defaults to 32768.
  • preloadConcurrency: Number of threads to perform read-ahead. Optimal settings have to be determined via experimentation. Defaults to 8.

This approach relies on the OS-level page cache, so make sure you have enough spare RAM available on your machine to actually benefit from this! Use BCC's *slower tools to verify that it's a solr-ocrhighlight thread that performs most of the reads and not the actual query thread (qtp....). If you run the same query twice, you shouldn't see a lot of reads from either the qtp... or solr-ocrhlighight threads on the second run.

Example configuration tuned for remote NFS storage mounted with rsize=65536:

  name="ocrHighlight" enablePreload="true" preloadReadSize="65536"

Runtime configuration

Another option to influence the performance of the plugin is to tune some runtime options for highlighting. For any of these, refer to the Querying section for more details.

  • If you're storing documents at the page-level in the index, you can set the hl.ocr.trackPages parameter to false (default is true). This will skip seeking backward in the input from the match position to find the containing page, which can be costly.
  • Tune the number of candidate passages for ranking with hl.ocr.maxPassages, which defaults to 100. Lowering this is better for performance, but means that the resulting snippets might not be the most relevant in the document.
  • Change the limit (hl.ocr.limitBlock) and/or context block types (hl.ocr.contextBlock) to something lower in the block hierarchy to reduce the amount of reads in the OCR files. Another knob to tune is the number of context blocks for each hit (hl.ocr.contextSize), with the same effect.
  • The last resort if highlighting takes too long is to pass the hl.ocr.timeAllowed parameter, which stops highlighting any further documents if a given timeout is exceeded.